Gifts for Good
Home Weather Station - Cloud Shaped Glass
Home Weather Station - Cloud Shaped Glass
Cloud Shaped Glass Home Weather Station
Great Teenager Gifts: The Cloud-shaped Home Weather Station is a traditional way to forecast the weather and is a unique idea for teenager gifts. Antique and contemporary styles of these glass instruments of weather forecasting can still be found on the walls of many shops, homes, hotels, and resorts throughout the world. With their functional design and beautiful finish, you will be able to see the daily change in the weather.
Once used by seafarers to predict oncoming storms, the Cloud-Shaped Glass Home Weather Station responds to atmospheric fluctuations to forecast the weather. With a beautiful wooden base it is both an ornament and a weather forecasting device.
To interpret the station, clear liquid means bright and clear weather; cloudy liquid means a cloudy day with possible thunderstorms and rain; small dots in the liquid means humid or foggy weather; large flaky crystals means cloudy skies and snow in winter; threats of crystals at the top means windy weather; and crystals at the bottom means that frost may be coming.